Interview Spotlight- Mind Monmouthshire

Adele Jones from Mind Monmouthshire answers our spotlight questions and shares the amazing services and support that Mind Monmouthshire offer. Adele also shares her top tips around mental health as we come out the pandemic.

Tell us about Mind Monmouthshire and it's overall vision?

To support and respect anyone living with a mental health problem in Monmouthshire, to empower and support anyone living with a mental health problem, deliver excellent services and promote understanding.

What are some tips around mental health as we come out of the pandemic?

  1. Reach out and talk to someone if you are experiencing any difficulties and access services available in your local area.   

  2. Access websites for information and support, Mind, Melo Cymru etc.

  3. Add apps to your smart phone to suit you.

  4. Practice mindfulness and five ways to wellbeing. 

Tell us about how you support people with Mental Health in Monmouthshire?

Mind Monmouthshire is an independent, locally trusted charity which focuses on supporting people's mental health and wellbeing across Monmouthshire. We have grown from a self-help group, into an organisation which provides a point of contact, information, and a wide range of services for people experiencing poor mental health across the whole county of Monmouthshire. 

Anyone can contact us direct for support or be refer by a professional by contacting

IAA – first point of contact for Information, Advice and Assistance, with signposting to the relevant services.


Free Courses-  Depression Management / Anxiety Management / Confidence Building / Life After Lockdown / Understanding Anger,  rolling 8 week courses which at the moment are being delivered via Zoom online, but we’re hoping to shortly be doing these face to face across the different venues in the county, and staff are very much looking forward to it.  

Peer Support / Quiz- via zoom alternating weekly currently a way of connecting and socialising.

Walk and Talk Group- Abergavenny and Monmouth area, an hour out to notice nature 

My Generation Course-  My Generation is a free eight week programme for over 50’s which aims to improve wellbeing, build resilience and reduce isolation and loneliness.

Active Monitoring Program- free delivered via telephone it is an early intervention program which uses guided self-help tools to support people with their mental wellbeing. First session is an assessment for 40 mins to discuss what support you need. If you and your practitioner feel active monitoring is appropriate, you will go on to have a further five 20min weekly sessions using evidence-based tools and resources to develop a wellbeing tool kit... there are seven pathways to choose from.  

Tenancy and Supported Living Project (TASL)- supporting people funded, which works to prevent homelessness by helping people with housing tenancy related issues to retain their tenancies in the community

Farmers Project -  A New Rural Outreach Project to support the local farming community with issues effecting their mental health across the county of Monmouthshire.

Supported Living Project- Has 25 placements within supported living scheme to support people to manage their mental health and develop the skills to go on to live independently. 

Welfare Rights- is a Benefit Advice service to complete benefit checks / support with Universal Credit claims /Personal Independence Payments 

Counselling- paid for service provided by a team of qualified counsellors and physiotherapists 

Tell us about your Adult Mental Health First Aid Training

Mental Health First Aid is the help provided to a person who is developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem, or in a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until the appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves. The Adult Mental Health First Aid (Wales) course is based on international MHFA Guidelines. Curriculum content is evidence-based, with the input of mental health professionals, researchers, and consumer advocates. 
As a participant, you will gain improved knowledge of mental illnesses and their interventions, knowledge of appropriate first aid strategies, and confidence in helping individuals experiencing a mental health problem. Topics covered include:

Developing mental health problems :- Depression, Anxiety problems, Psychosis, Substance use problems

Mental health crises :- Suicidal thoughts and behaviours, Non-suicidal self-injury, Panic attacks, Traumatic events, Severe psychotic states, Severe effects from alcohol or other drug use, Aggressive behaviours

What can community organisations do to support Mind Monmouthshire?

To support a long-standing local charity in their community, to raise awareness of better mental health so we support people in our community by continuing to collaboratively work together.

What does 2021 have install for Mind Monmouthshire?

We are working towards full face to face connection across the county, so as the restrictions ease the teams can be more visible and connect with our community. We will still continue to use Zoom and Teams to its full potential. 

How can people find you on social media or online?

Facebook: Mind Monmouthshire 

Twitter:  @mindinmon

 Website:  Mind Monmouthshire

If you’re a Community Organisation and would like to feature in our blog then get in touch.


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