Connecting Creatively

This project is funded and in partnership with Mental Health Foundation

See the latest workshops and events around South and North Wales as well as online.

Check Out Videos from the Project…

We have a whole You Tube Channel full of videos for creativity at home, and also these two videos of our puppet show and video editing course with Hummadruz.


From the very start of the Covid-19 pandemic SPW set up and piloted a project; ‘Creativity in Covid’, online creative workshops enabled single parents, isolated at home with their children, to spend constructive time together in a shared activity. Families enjoyed such activities as creating superhero worry dolls and a mini bug haven, painting fish and making origami hearts.

Single parents felt that learning new skills together with their children helped them build connections and strengthened their relationship.

“It gave the children a chance to see me doing something that wasn’t just about ‘Mum’ they teased me about my craft and told friends they liked it etc, so ended up holding the picture up to the fence…lovely memories”

(Survey Respondent)

 You can read more about Creativity in Covid project HERE.

What is Connecting Creatively?

We wanted to build on our learning from the pilot project so, with generous funding and support from our partners the Mental Health foundation, we have embarked on a two year project; Connecting Creatively. It will deliver a whole host of online and face to face creative workshops to single parents and their children across Wales. Importantly, the programme of activities will be designed by single parent families themselves as part of our peer led approach to everything we do at SPW.

Research tells us that taking part in creative activities can enhance mood, reduce stress and depression across all ages (Stuckley, H. 2010). Connecting Creatively offers a range of creative activities that are fun, challenging and health promoting. Parents learn alongside their children and model healthy behaviours which in turn can be learned and passed on by the next generation.

“Single most common factor for children who develop resilience is at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive parent, caregiver or other adult”


We are focusing on all inclusive single parent families, all ages of children and welcome single parent families to coproduce this project with us.

Get involved

If you would like to take part in any of the workshops or events then simply pick one you and your children would like and book on. AND let us know what you would like to see us cover, as everything is decided by you and your family.

Get in touch: Julie Green on
