Series 2, Episode 11- Julie Green, Surviving to Thriving

In this episode, my guest speaker is Julie Green. Julie works for Single Parents Wellbeing in the following roles: Diversity and Engagement Manager, a Wellbeing Workshop Facilitator and is the Connecting Creatively Officer. In this episode we hear the journey of transformation from just surviving to really thriving, from being in refuge and struggling as a young mum with poor mental health to regaining her confidence, managing her mental health and accomplishing her dream jobs whilst being a beacon of hope to others who may be struggling. Julie offers helpful techniques to help us grow in resilience, explaining how you can ‘train your mind to see things in a different way and not let the negative voices take over’.


Series 2, Episode 12- Folade Lawan- Leaders Unlocked


Series 2, Episode 10- Fateha Ahmed Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team Wales