Talia Stimpson’s Mental Health Manifesto For Young People

We are reaching out to young people age 10-24 years old to enter our creative competition to communicate what is their mental health manifesto. Closing date is 19th November 2021 so get your entries in!

As part of our Young Person’s Project we wanted our team wanted to share their experiences of mental health, what has helped them and advice for other young people.

Talia shares her story:

What is your personal story around mental health? 

For the most part of my life, I have been fortunate to have been mentally healthy because of  strong friendships, hobbies and interests. However, last year during the pandemic, I was triggered by some personal things that I had suppressed.  This brought many old emotions to the surface and sadly developed into anxiety. I began experiencing several physical symptoms as well as feeling emotionally disconnected and feelings of numbness. This was a really scary time, as I did not know how to overcome these new feelings. I thought it would just pass and go away but weeks turned into months and I was still enduring anxiety that seemed relentless. I told my friends and family as well as contacting the GP. I was put on a waiting list and had to wait 3/4 months for counselling. This was incredibly difficult as I was not able to see many people because of covid 19 and so It was quite a lonely experience. I  eventually  started counselling and also began finding things that helped to manage it and things started to  get better. 

What has helped you through it?

My family, friends and boyfriend have helped me through that difficult time. My boyfriend would always check in on me and always believed that I would get through it. His encouragement and compassion was constant. Counselling has also really helped, it helps to talk to someone who is not a  friend  or a family member but to someone who is trained to help people with anxiety. She gave me pictures and analogies that really helped me to understand what was happening. She says life events are like coke inside a coke bottle; imagine if you have stored up so many thoughts and feelings inside that bottle and haven’t opened it before, when the lid comes off, it all  bursts out and feels uncontrollable and unmanageable. Each time you have a counselling session or a conversation with someone trusted, it's like loosening that lid and allowing a bit to come out and  then putting that lid back on until one day, you will have come to terms with that event and have processed the bubbling emotions that surround it.  Then you will be able to take  the lid off, and the coke will still be there but not burst out. She reminded me that I will get to a place where I am able to accept and be at peace with the past.  My faith has also helped me, although this hasn't always been easy,  my relationship with God has  given me hope that there is a way through it with God by my side and that God will use this  experience for something good. 

What would you  say to young people struggling with mental health? 

I would say, be so kind to yourself because it can be extremely difficult to have to learn to cope with.  Reach out to friends and family and professional support if need be, it is brave and strong to be vulnerable enough to open up about what is going on inside. I know so many incredible people who have struggled with mental health and have come out the other side and are often the most compassionate people I know. If you are supporting someone who is struggling with mental health then be consistent with checking up on them and know that it will be a journey and that you will always be there for them. Ask if there are any other ways you can help. 

What is your mental health manifesto? 

That mental health is regarded as just as important as physical health, that it is a fully accepted and normalised subject. That kids are educated on the  importance of looking after your mental health and that people feel  safe and  happy to talk about it and no longer suffer in silence. I also hope that there is immediate help and more counsellors for people to  be seen and listened to  in their moment of need. 

Find out more about how to enter the creative competition to be within a chance of winning a £50 All4One voucher.


Ihab Mohamed’s Mental Health Manifesto For Young People


Candidate Amelia for Cardiff West. Etholiad Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru 2021, Welsh Youth Parliament Elections 2021